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Evolution of a community garden

Evolution of a community garden

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About us and how we came to be


​How the Garden Came to Be


The Community of Christ church on Meridian Avenue in San Jose has a little plot of dirt behind its building.  This is a unique spot of ground in the Willow Glen area.  For some time, there was lively discussion about what to do with this ground.  One of our board members, JR Orlando, suggested a garden.  It was not until a resident in the apartments bordering the church called the pastor, Marcia Plumb, and said, “Let’s build a garden!", did the idea take root. This was in December of 2016.


The first chore was to do battle with the weeds.  Loads of mulch were delivered and spread.  Garden boxes were built.  Chickens and bees arrived on the site.


With more thought and design came the labyrinth.  An area in the garden to help people experience peace and find respite from a busy life.  The labyrinth is designed to be experienced with all the senses; taste, sight, feel, hearing, smell.


In its first year of operation, many pounds of produce were harvested and taken to a local food bank.


A board was formed, rules and regulations written, and discussion started about what type of events and workshops to develop.  A newsletter was started and published. 


Our first events were centered around bees and chickens and cooking your harvest.  

An open house was hosted and a dedication ceremony was held October 20th, 2018.


Where We Go From Here


Much has been accomplished in the three years that have past, and as we start 2020, we dream of much more to come. 


We have space for 39 garden boxes.  We are planning for a water catchment system which can capture 5,000 gallons of water off the roof of the church.  We have planted trees and have built a memorial walking path.  We also now have a campfire circle. 


We are a unique spot of ground in Willow Glen where the community can come together, meet each other, commune with the Earth and help to make this neighborhood a better place to live and play.


Help us make our dreams come true, click on the “Go Fund Me” button at the bottom of this page, every bit helps.



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